Clothing Allowance

Foster parents are expected to ensure that children in their care have appropriate clothing in quantity and quality. Some counties require a specific dollar amount to spent each month on each child. Foster parents then submit receipts with confirmation of purchase.

On a quarterly basis, assess the clothing supply of the child .

  1. Verify that the caregiver has used the clothing allowance to purchase the child’s clothing by matching the receipts with the items of clothing purchased.
  2. Ask the child, as appropriate for age and capability, if he or she participated in the selection of his/her clothing.
  3. Document that the clothing supply was checked, the results of the assessment, and what, if any, actions were taken.

Agencies that do not have agreements with counties that require a clothing allowance, have more flexibility.  A regular (e.g. monthly or quarterly) inventory of clothing is conducted by the agency social worker during one of the visits to the home. The inventory is to verify the quality and quantity of clothing. 

Consult with your agency social worker to determine whether the agency has a mandated minimum dollar amount. It is not unusual for the county or agency to require $75 or even $100 per month to be spent on clothing.

If a county worker informs the foster parent that a clothing allowance will be approved, please be aware that the agency needs to be notified first via a Notice of Action. It is not recommended that foster parents go out and spend excessive amounts initially because you do not know how long the child will be in your home. 

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