Placement Procedures

Placements are made by considering each child individually and choosing the foster home that will best meet his needs. Some of the many factors that may determine placement include:

  1. RACIAL, ETHNIC, LANGUAGE AND CULTURAL background of the child, his family, and the foster family. It is easier for a child to be placed in a home where adjustments and changes of lifestyle are minimized as much as possible. In addition, similar backgrounds help increase a child’s self-esteem.
  2. SIBLINGS. Normally siblings will be placed in the same home or in close proximity to each other, if possible.
  3. PROXIMITY of the foster home to the child’s parent’s home. This will facilitate visitation, keep the child in the same school, allow continuity with doctors, therapists, etc.
  4. SPECIAL NEEDS of the child and the foster parent’s ability to meet those needs. For example, a child who has medical problems needs a foster parent with special skills or training. The same is true for children who have behavioral or emotional problems.
  5. COMPOSITION OF THE FOSTER HOME. Some children may do better in homes that have other children. Others should not be placed with young children.
  6. EMPLOYMENT STATUS of the foster parents. Infants and young children need lots of love and nurturing, and they learn to trust the person with whom they spend most of their waking hours. Some children will need a stay-at-home parent.


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