Promise to Parents


Knotts Family Agency is an elite, premier, and leading Foster Care and Adoptions Agency in the region. This means that we the agency will cultivate the reputation as the agency that provides the best and highest quality support to Resource Parents and where children receive the best care in a nurturing environment.

Resource Parents will know that our goal is Parent Delight ™, going over and beyond what is needed so that Resource Parents are happy providing the best care for a child or non-minor.

While we ensure that children are in a safe, caring, and nurturing environment, and that resource parents and agency are compliance with all applicable regulations, our staff will be held accountable for modeling the following standards:

  • Resource parents and children come first! Our emphasis will be on doing our work in a way that exceeds expectations. Our goal is to go beyond “parent satisfaction” to achieve “parent delight”.
  • We will outwork and outperform all other foster family or adoption agencies. No other agency will work harder than Knotts Family Agency to ensure that resource parents are happy and children are safe and cared for. We will surpass and exceed services that other agencies may offer.
  • We provide constant support to parents, including training, to equip parents to provide the best care for children and youth. If there is a service a resource parent needs, they only need to ask and we will do our very best to offer the support or find a solution.
  • We value the resource parents’ time and we are always innovating to benefit resource parents. For example, to make it easier for resource parents to track documentation, we use an electronic data system, which allows parents to securely upload any document. In the unlikely case that a resource parent is asked to resubmit something that they already turned in physically and for which they have a receipt or proof of submission, we will financially compensate the resource parent $20 for each incident.
  • Parents will always receive prompt and accurate service, with a sense of urgency. If we say that we will deliver or complete a task by a given date, if for some reason we did not meet the deadline, we will work tirelessly to ensure that the Resource Parent is entirely satisfied with the solution.
  • Parents are always respected as valuable partners. Children/youth are carefully assessed prior to placement to ensure that children and foster families are expertly matched.  However, parents have the ultimate decision in whether they accept a child or youth in their home. We will not question that decision.
  • We will always work diligently to place children in your home according to your preferences, request, and capacity. Our goal is to find safe, caring, and nurturing homes for children and youth in need, so you can rest assured that we work with a sense of urgency, and will seek to use all the beds you have available according to your capacity.
  • We will treat resource parents with dignity and not with suspicion. In resolving any challenges, including investigations by the county or state licensing agency, parents will be treated honestly and fairly and they will always know that they will receive our support. If for some reason there is a special incident or investigation, we will provide assistance. You are not alone!
  • Parents will be kept informed of any new policies and procedures and will have advance notice of new requirements.
  • We will always speak positively and with integrity in regards to resource parents and children/youth. This means that we never speak negatively of a resource parent or a child in our agency, regardless of the circumstances.
  • We also respect the parent’s privacy and confidentiality.  Information is only released with a signed authorization from the parent.
  • We will provide ways for the parents to express their concerns and suggestions and we will ensure prompt follow through. We will provide continuous follow up until parents are completely satisfied with our efforts.

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