Ensuring Happy Parents

Written By Edward McField (Super Administrator)

Updated at May 22nd, 2020

Foster Parents and Adoption Parents deserve the best support.

As part of our commitment to Happy Parents Nurturing Children, we believe in “continuous improvement”, which means, always finding ways to innovate and improve our actions. The following five (5) strategic priorities guide the discussion about making sure foster and adoptive parents are more than satisfied:

  1. Resource Family Approval: Knotts Family Agency is responsible for approving Resource Families, but it is the county that makes the final clearance so that parents may begin receiving children. What can we change or improve during the approval process?
  2. Referrals and Placement of Children: What can we change or improve in how we inform parents of children and how can we better assist parents during the placement process?
  3. Parent Support. What can we change or improve so that parents feel that they are fully supported?
  4. Activities for Parents and Children. What type of activities should the agency offer for parents and for children?
  5. Administration and Finance. What can we change or improve in general, to ensure that parents are happy as they care for children?

Knotts Family Agency is committed to Parent Delight™, which means, having an unapologetic and intentional focus on ensuring Foster/Adoptive Parents are the center of our work.  We understand that even with our focus on Parent Delight™ there may be times when there are disappointment and frustrations. In that event, we promise to work hard to address and resolve your concern. 

Knotts Family Agency is not in competition with other agencies because we believe that each agency exists to provide a home for a child in need. In fact, when we get a call from someone wanting to “transfer” to our agency, our first response is to encourage them to resolve whatever concerns they have with their current agency. 

However, our mindset will always be to offer the best service to parents. With thousands of children in need of a caring family and home, we need all the help. That is why, Resource Families, including foster or adoptive parents, must be key customers of foster family and adoptions agencies.