Foster Children Medical Care

Children may become sick or ill. When a new child is placed in your home, you need to be sure to obtain a medical consent form and the child’s medical card.  If the child comes with prescription medications, you will need to do the following:

  1. Call the prescribing physician to confirm that the child is to be taking the medication and confirm the dosage information on the prescription label.  If the information on the label is not consistent with the doctor’s instructions, you will need to obtain a new prescription from the doctor with the proper instructions.
  2. Log the medications in on the Centrally Stored Medication log.
  3. Count the number of pills in the bottle, without touching the medication with your hands.  You may use a paper plate and a knife to accomplish this, or you can get a pill counter from a pharmacy.  Record the number of pills being delivered to you on the Centrally Stored Medication log.


You will need to set up appointments for a physical examination within 30 days of placement.  You will also need to set up a dental appointment within 30 days unless they have had a dental examination within the last six months and the agency has a copy of the appropriate paperwork.

Weigh and measure the child within the first week of placement, and record this information on the Month End Report.  Weigh the child once a month thereafter.  Most resource parents choose to do this on the first of each month.



The child needs to have annual physical examinations and dental examinations ever six months.  You are responsible to make the appointments and to have the doctor or dentist fill out the appropriate paperwork.  Your family social worker needs to receive a copy of the paperwork.


If your foster child is injured and needs to see a physician, or if the child needs to be seen in an emergency room due to illness, we must file a report with the county.  Therefore, please do the following:

  1. Obtain the name and treating physician and the diagnosis and treatment.
  2. If there is a serious injury or accident, inform your family social worker immediately.
  3. If the problem is not serious, inform your family social worker the next working day.
  4. If in doubt, call your family social worker immediately!

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