
Reimbursement Rates: The State of California has approved the following Levels of Care (LOC) and rates for foster parents:

  1. Basic Level-Level of Care 1:                   $1000 per month    ($32.26/per night
  2. Level of Care 2:                                        $1,112/month          ($35.87 per night)
  3. Level of Care 3:                                        $1,225/month          ($39.52 per night)
  4. Level of Care 4:                                        $1,337/month          ($43.13 per night)
  5. Intensive Services Foster Care              $2,609/ month         ($84.16 per night

Generally, all children, regardless of age or need, come in to the agency at the Basic Level. During the first few months, the Resource Parent, Agency Social Worker, and County Social Worker, will observe and assess the child. 

If for some reason, the child has significant needs, the agency social worker shall request a change in Level of Care. If approved by the County, the new Level of Care rate would be retroactive to the first night the child came in to your home. 

General procedure for payments:

Procedure: The agency shall compensate you for the actual nights a child sleeps in your home. If a child only sleeps in your home for 6 nights out of the month then you will be paid/reimbursed for 6 nights, not 7 days.  Calculation: 6 nights x $30.29 = $181.74 (based on Level of Care Rate 1)

Example: The child arrives May 1st and leaves May 7th; you will be paid for the nights the child actually slept in your house (6 nights only; left on the 7th day).  Even if the child leaves at 9:00 pm on the 7th you will still only be paid until the 6th. The child must sleep in the bed.

Keep in mind that some agencies may pay higher than the minimum required.

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