
The agency makes every attempt to provide resource parents information about a potential child in advance of placement. In most situations, we will strive to provide fourteen (14) days advance notice prior to moving a child from your home.

The exception to that rule is if there is a complaint that involves concerns regarding the child’s health and safety.  In such cases, the child will be removed without notice. 

Another situation where the agency might have to move a child from your home without notice is when a child runs away and refuses to return to the resource family home.

However, please note that although the agency will endeavor to provide sufficient notice of when a child will be removed, Resource Parents may NOT request immediate removal of a child from their home. As you can surely agree, children are not objects or goods that may be returned or replaced if we encounter something that we do not like of them or that we may prefer not have to address.

Be aware that notices for removal of child (previously known as 7-day notices) are No longer available. In very unique and extreme circumstances that includes immediate risk or danger to child or resource family members, the agency may consider a change or removal of the child, after a meeting with the resource parents, agency social worker, and/or county social worker.

When there is a new child in your home, the agency may consider a transfer/change only after at least 30 days and after the Child Family Team meeting confirms that everyone involved has done everything possible to resolve the situation or to make adjustments. 

Very importantly, frustration with “typical” child or teen behavior, or children allergies, medication, among other issues, are not a reason to request removal of a child.

Before any child is removed or transferred from your home, there MUST be a Child Family Team meeting, in which the resource parent, agency social worker, and child/youth have an in-depth discussion to remedy the situation, and to provide the child/youth with specific objectives for behavioral change.

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