Photo Album

Most of our children come to the foster family agency with very few pictures of themselves or items such as report cards that we take for granted.  We want to insure that children do not leave our care in the same situation. 

We encourage you to establish a separate photo album or life book for each foster child.  If the child does have pictures from the past, put those pictures in the book.  Also include things like report cards, awards, positive notes from teachers, and anything else that will help a child build a sense of history. 

If you have a sibling group, establish separate albums with individual copies of pictures, because there is no guarantee these children will always remain in the same placement.  Be sure to include pictures of yourselves, your children, and significant family members.

At the time a child leaves your home, whether through emancipation, reunification, or a move to another placement, send along the life book so they may have the beginnings of history to carry with them through life.


You should keep this album, as children will frequently destroy their pictures when they are angry, and then be sorry later.

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