Bedroom Sharing Arrangements

The capacity of the home may not exceed six, including adopted, biological, and guardianship children, and children of a minor or nonminor dependent parent residing in the home, unless the foster family agency obtains an approved Documented Alternative Plan.

Bedroom sharing arrangement take into account

  • The age of the children and/or nonminor dependents, including the degree of age difference between them.
  • The needs of a minor or nonminor dependent parent and his or her child.
  • The developmental levels and needs of the children and/or nonminor dependents.
  • The privacy needs of the children and/or nonminor dependents and the plans to meet those needs.
  • The history of the children and/or nonminor dependents, including previous sleeping arrangements and any information that may indicate an incompatibility, if known.
  • Any history or suspicion of sexual abuse or sexual exploitation.
  • The supervision plan within the home.
  • The sleeping patterns of the children and/or nonminor dependents and if they may be disruptive to one another.


Children of different genders may share a bedroom under any of the following circumstances:

  • Each child is under eight years of age.
  • The children are siblings.
  • A minor parent may share a bedroom with his or her child.
  • A foster family agency is permitting a child to share a bedroom consistent with the child’s gender identity regardless of the gender or sex listed on his or her court or child welfare documents.

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