Written Report

The Resource Family Written Report is a comprehensive assessment of an applicant. 

Identifying information of an applicant, any adopted, biological, or guardianship children residing in the home, and any adults residing or regularly present in the home.

  1. A description of the physical features of the home
  2. Any identified concerns regarding an animal that may adversely impact the health and safety of a child or nonminor dependent shall be evaluated and resolved with an applicant prior to approval
  3. An evaluation and determination of whether an applicant’s home is safe and in compliance with the requirements
  4. An evaluation of the results of a background check of an applicant and all adults residing or regularly present in the home, including any criminal record exemptions granted.
  5. A summary of all interviews of applicant(s), children, nonminor dependents, adoptive, biological, and guardianship children, adults residing in the home, and other individuals.
  6. An evaluation of the information obtained during the family evaluation of an applicant, including a risk assessment

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