Applicant Evaluation

In addition to the written report, the evaluation includes the following:

  1. If an applicant’s spouse, domestic partner, or significant other who resides with the applicant did not apply for Resource Family Approval, then the evaluation shall include the impact, if any, this has on the applicant’s ability to be approved as a Resource Family.
  2. Any concerns regarding an applicant.
    (A) Describe any historical or current events contributing to the concern and the frequency and duration of the concern.
    (B) Attempts by the foster family agency or applicant(s) to resolve or mitigate the concern.
    (C) The foster family agency’s determination of whether the concern has been resolved and the impact the concern has on the applicant’s ability to meet the qualifications of a Resource Family.
  3. Verification that an applicant completed pre-approval training and stating the number of training hours completed, any specialized training received, and an evaluation of any feedback provided by a trainer.
  4. A capacity determination.
  5. A summary of an applicant’s understanding of the legal and financial responsibilities for providing care to a child or nonminor dependent.
  6. The characteristics of a child or nonminor dependent an applicant may best serve.
  7. Any resources, services, or training which would assist an applicant in meeting the needs of a child or nonminor dependent.
  8. A statement that the application is approved or denied and the reasons for that determination.
  9. Determination of an applicant’s commitment and capability to meet the needs of a child or nonminor dependent including, but not be limited to, the following:
  • Strengths and weaknesses of the applicant
  •  Whether the applicant would only prefer to adopt, become a legal guardian, or provide foster care.
  • Understanding of the needs, safety, permanence, and well-being of children or nonminor dependents, including those who have been victims of abuse or neglect.

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